Source code for readux.books.markdown_tei

import logging
import os.path
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import mistune

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def convert(text): '''Render markdown text as simple TEI. Does not include namespaces or wrapping elements; assumes that the rendered markdown will be inserted into a TEI document as text content, and that it is not intended to be an entire, valid document on its own. ''' mkdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=TeiMarkdownRenderer()) return mkdown(TeiMarkdownRenderer.preprocess(text))
[docs]class TeiMarkdownRenderer(mistune.Renderer): '''TEI Markdown renderer for use with :mod:`mistune` markdown parsing and rendering library. Renderer is based on the built-in mistune HTML renderer.''' audiovideo_block_re = re.compile( r'(<(audio|video)(?!</(audio>|video)).*</(audio|video)>)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE) #: common html5 audio file extensions and corresponding mimetypes; #: used to infer audio mimetype when it is not specified audiovideo_ext_mimetype = { # audio/ or video/ content prefix supplied based on html tag '.aac': 'aac', '.mp4': 'mp4', '.m4a': 'mp4', '.mp1': 'mpeg', '.mp2': 'mpeg', '.mp3': 'mpeg', '.mpg': 'mpeg', '.mpeg': 'mpeg', '.oga': 'ogg', '.ogg': 'ogg', '.wav': 'wav', '.webm': 'webm' } default_mimetype = { 'audio': 'mpeg', 'video': 'mp4' } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.options = kwargs # def placeholder(self): # """Returns the default, empty output value for the renderer. # All renderer methods use the '+=' operator to append to this value. # Default is a string so rendering HTML can build up a result string with # the rendered Markdown. # Can be overridden by Renderer subclasses to be types like an empty # list, allowing the renderer to create a tree-like structure to # represent the document (which can then be reprocessed later into a # separate format like docx or pdf). # """ # return "<?xml:namespace ns='%s' ?>" % TeiNote.ROOT_NS @classmethod
[docs] def preprocess(cls, text): '''Method to preprocess text to make sure it is converted properly. Currently, adds whitespace to ensure that any audio tags will be processed as an html block. ''' # Add extra newlines around *any* audio blocks; doesn't hurt to # have extra whitespace, but without it the audio tags will # not be converted properly. return cls.audiovideo_block_re.sub(r'\n\n\1\n\n', text)
[docs] def block_code(self, code, lang=None): """Rendering block level code. :param code: text content of the code block. :param lang: language of the given code. """ code = code.rstrip('\n') attr = '' if lang: attr = ' lang="%s"' % lang return '<code%s>%s</code>' % (attr, code)
[docs] def block_quote(self, text): """Rendering <quote> with the given text. :param text: text content of the blockquote. """ return '<quote>%s</quote>' % text.rstrip('\n')
[docs] def block_html(self, html): """Rendering block level pure html content. Currently only supports html5 audio tags. :param html: text content of the html snippet. """ # parse html block so it can be easily inspected & traversed soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'xml') # audio or video tag, if present audiovideo = or # if block contains audio or video, convert to TEI mimetype tag if audiovideo: src = audiovideo.source.get('src', None) content_type = audiovideo.source.get('type', None) # NOTE: technically the regex will allow for a type attribute # without a src; but that would be a broken, nonsensical, # non-playable input - so that case is not handled. if not src: next # mimetype is needed for tei media tag; if we don't have one, # try to guess from the url if not content_type: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(src) content_type = '%s/%s' % (, # audio or video # content subtype by extension, with fallback self.audiovideo_ext_mimetype.get( ext, self.default_mimetype[] ) ) return '<media mimeType="%(type)s" url="%(src)s"/>' % { 'type': content_type, 'src': src } # NOTE: default mistune logic here; probably not useful for TEI if self.options.get('skip_style') and \ html.lower().startswith('<style'): return '' if self.options.get('escape'): return mistune.escape(html) return html
[docs] def header(self, text, level, raw=None): """Rendering header/heading. :param text: rendered text content for the header. :param level: a number for the header level, for example: 1. :param raw: raw text content of the header. """ return '<head type="level%d">%s</head>' % (level, text)
[docs] def hrule(self): """Rendering method for horizontal rule.""" return '<milestone rend="horizontal-rule"/>'
[docs] def list(self, body, ordered=True): """Rendering list tags. :param body: body contents of the list. :param ordered: whether this list is ordered or not. """ attr = '' if ordered: attr = ' rend="numbered"' return '<list%s>%s</list>' % (attr, body)
[docs] def list_item(self, text): """Rendering list item.""" return '<item>%s</item>' % text
[docs] def paragraph(self, text): """Rendering paragraph tags. Like ``<p>``.""" return '<p>%s</p>' % text.strip(' ')
[docs] def table(self, header, body): """Rendering table element. Wrap header and body in it. :param header: header part of the table. :param body: body part of the table. """ return ( '<table><head>%s</head>' '%s</table>' ) % (header, body)
[docs] def table_row(self, content): """Rendering a table row. :param content: content of current table row. """ return '<row>%s</row>' % content
[docs] def table_cell(self, content, **flags): """Rendering a table cell. :param content: content of current table cell. :param header: whether this is header or not. :param align: align of current table cell. """ if flags['header']: role = "label" else: role = "data" additional_attrs = '' if 'align' in flags and flags['align']: additional_attrs = ' rend="%s"' % flags['align'] return '<cell role="%s"%s>%s</cell>' % (role, additional_attrs, content)
[docs] def double_emphasis(self, text): """Rendering **strong** text. :param text: text content for emphasis. """ return '<emph rend="bold">%s</emph>' % text
[docs] def emphasis(self, text): """Rendering *emphasis* text. :param text: text content for emphasis. """ return '<emph rend="italic">%s</emph>' % text
[docs] def codespan(self, text): """Rendering inline `code` text. :param text: text content for inline code. """ text = mistune.escape(text.rstrip(), smart_amp=False) return '<code>%s</code>' % text
[docs] def linebreak(self): """Rendering line break.""" return '<lb/>'
[docs] def strikethrough(self, text): """Rendering ~~strikethrough~~ text. :param text: text content for strikethrough. """ return '<del>%s</del>' % text
[docs] def text(self, text): """Rendering unformatted text. :param text: text content. """ return mistune.escape(text)
[docs] def image(self, src, title, text): """Rendering a image with title and text. :param src: source link of the image. :param title: title text of the image. :param text: alt text of the image. """ if src.startswith('javascript:'): src = '' text = mistune.escape(text, quote=True) # markdown doesn't include mimetype, but it's required in TEI # infer mimetype based on image suffix in the url image_suffix = (src.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]) mimetype = "image/*" if image_suffix in ['gif', 'png', 'jpeg']: mimetype = 'image/%s' % image_suffix elif image_suffix == 'jpg': mimetype = 'image/jpeg' tag = '<media mimetype="%s" url="%s">' % (mimetype, src) if title or text: desc_parts = ['<desc>'] if title: desc_parts.append('<head>%s</head>' % title) if text: desc_parts.append('<p>%s</p>' % text) desc_parts.append('</desc>') tag += ''.join(desc_parts) tag += '</media>' return tag
[docs] def inline_html(self, html): """Rendering span level pure html content. :param html: text content of the html snippet. """ # use beautiful soup to parse and read element name, attributes soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # only expect one element here # NOTE: using xml parser had inconsistent results; using lxml # wraps contents inside html body tags, so access content there element = soup.html.body.contents[0] text_content = element.string or '' if in ['i', 'em']: return '<emph rend="italic">%s</emph>' % text_content if in ['b', 'strong']: return '<emph rend="bold">%s</emph>' % text_content if == 'a': # convert name anchor to <anchor xml:id="###"/> # **preliminary** (anchor not valid in all contexts) if element.get('name', None) or element.get('id', None): el_id = element.get('id', None) or element.get('name', None) return '<anchor xml:id="%s">%s</anchor>' % \ (el_id, text_content) if self.options.get('escape'): return mistune.escape(html) return html
[docs] def newline(self): """Rendering newline element.""" # TODO return ''
[docs] def footnote_ref(self, key, index): """Rendering the ref anchor of a footnote. :param key: identity key for the footnote. :param index: the index count of current footnote. """ return '<ref target="#fn%s" type="noteAnchor">%s</ref>' % \ (key, index)
[docs] def footnote_item(self, key, text): """Rendering a footnote item. :param key: identity key for the footnote. :param text: text content of the footnote. """ return '<note xml:id="fn%s" type="footnote">%s</note>' % (key, text)
[docs] def footnotes(self, text): """Wrapper for all footnotes. :param text: contents of all footnotes. """ return '<div type="footnotes">%s</div>' % text